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Web-site of Regional social organizations - "The Taleshian cultural centre "AVESTA" and "The Taleshian national cultural autonomy "TALISH" of Moscow" (Territorial sphere of activity - Regional, Moscow city).
Accessiable only the russian version of site

Скриншот www.talishvestnik.narod.ru

Web-site of "The Taleshian herald" newspaper.
Founded by "The Taleshian cultural centre "AVESTA",
issued since 2001 in Moscow.
The color internet-version of the newspaper.
Accessiable only the russian version of site

The site is about the "Talesh", the national moscow football team. The team was created according by the Taleshian national cultural autonomy "Talesh" of Moscow and The Moscow interethnic advisory council at the Government of Moscow within the framework of carrying out of companionable matches with teams of other national - cultural associations. On a site it will be possible to learn details, photographic materials, reportings, the schedule of games, results of competitions, and also about our sportsmen

The site is about grammar of the taleshian language, one of Iranian group of the languages. Materials are taken from the edition "Bases of the Iranian linguistics. Newiranian languages. The north-west group" (Moscow, "Science", 1991), one of which co-authors is dear Liya Abramovna Pireyko.
Accessiable only the russian version of site.













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